Pineywoods Plants Dgital Gallery
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Eudicotyledons or "Eudicots" are the largest flowering plant group; about 75% of angiosperms are Eudicots and they make up the majority of the Pineywoods flora. Like all angiosperms, they are vascular plants which produce seeds that are enclosed in fruits. Sporangia are borne on the stamens and carpels of the flowers. Eudicots generally have at least three of the following characeristics: Flower parts are in 2's, 4's or 5's or in multiples of 4 or 5; Leaves have netted venation (pinnate or palmate); Stem vascular bundles are arranged in a ring around the pith; and seeds have 2 seed leaves (cotyledons). Secondary growth from a vascular cambium is present in many (woody) species. Pollen grains have 3 or more openings.

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Eudicot: Euonymus americana